PV-module judgment guideline for on-site evaluation published

In collaboration with TÜV SÜD, PV experts from eight MBJ partner companies have created a list of criteria for on-site evaluation of PV modules.

As a follow-up to the second MBJ partner meeting, the criteria catalog for the evaluation of PV modules, which have so far only been used internally, has been thoroughly revised by the partner network together with TÜV SÜD. The latest version of the error catalog is now available for <LINK 561 - internal-link "Opens internal link in current window">download</link>.

It is the first thime that such a comprehensive document with detailed criteria for the evaluation of PV modules has been given to the public. The document is based on the three in the Mobile PV test center implemented test methods (performance measurement, electroluminescence, thermal imaging).

Particular attention was paid to the evaluation of micro-cracks on cell-breaks on the basis of the electroluminescence imaging, as there haven't been any documents on the web with the appropriate level of detail available before. With the development of the judgment ciriteria catalog this gap is now closed.

Press contact MBJ Imaging GmbH

Andreas Bayer
phone +49 41 02 77 89 0 - 30